Stop Smoking and Become Nicotine Free
State of the Art Laser Therapy
Get your health back and give your best to your family! Be Smoke-Free/Nicotine-Free!!
Within just 7-10 seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke, nicotine affects the “reward center” in the brain by releasing chemicals that give feelings of pleasure and alertness – the “hit” that your body comes to expect. These chemicals are endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.
The more nicotine the brain gets, the more it wants. However, within 30 minutes, the nicotine level drops and withdrawal symptoms begin (symptoms include feeling tired, jittery, depressed, over-eating, anxiety, mood-swings, etc.). The smoker begins to crave another cigarette, and the cycle continues. As we all know, over time, the intensity and frequency also increases.
Smoking is an Addiction
Smoking cigarettes, particularly the consumption of nicotine in tobacco, has all the characteristics of addiction: pleasant feelings, withdrawal symptoms and continued use despite the adverse effects. That is why cigarettes are considered truly addictive. In fact, scientific evidence suggests that cigarettes are as addictive as illegal drugs such as cocaine.
Craving Cycle
Within just 7-10 seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke, nicotine affects the “reward center” in the brain by releasing chemicals that give feelings of pleasure and alertness – the “hit” that your body comes to expect. These chemicals are endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.
The more nicotine the brain gets, the more it wants. However, within 30 minutes, the nicotine level drops and withdrawal symptoms begin (symptoms include feeling tired, jittery, depressed, over-eating, anxiety, mood-swings, etc.). The smoker begins to crave another cigarette, and the cycle continues. As we all know, over time, the intensity and frequency also increases.
How Does Laser Treatment Work?
Low-Level Laser Therapy is a high tech, non-invasive way to help eliminate the physical cravings of nicotine related addictions. Through years of research and development it has been discovered that certain types of light in specific amounts can have tremendous therapeutic effects on our bodies.
Special lasers have been developed to deliver this therapeutic energy in a reliable and effective way. We use laser light to stimulate pressure and energy points in the body to promote therapeutic responses. Lasers are not only painless but also have a more pronounced effect on the patient with fewer treatments.
Why Choose Laser Therapy?
Laser treatment is drug-free, safe and painless and has no known side-effects.
- Block addiction: Help your body reduce the craving for cigarettes.
- Detoxify nicotine: Eliminate nicotine from your body and regain your health.
- Increase production of endorphin & serotonin: Helps to reduces or eliminate withdrawal symptoms, decrease stress and increase energy.
- Immediate results: Tobacco addiction recovery is quicker than any other means of quitting.
- Breathe better: Fresh oxygen intake will purify your blood.
- Suppress appetite: Helps prevent weight-gain after quitting.
- Relieve Stress: Helps the body relax and feel calm without the use of nicotine.
Our Treatment Plan
At Safe Laser Therapy, laser treatments are designed to help make your quitting experience far more-easier than expected. Our Certified Laser Therapists use FDA cleared, state of the art equipment and are specially trained to serve your needs. Our mission is to help you lead a sustainable, addiction-free life.
During the treatment, our certified therapists will apply laser on certain energy points of the body (typically ears, face and hands) that are related to addiction, craving and weight control. This should prevent weight-gain while the metabolism returns to its natural state (which takes approximately two weeks). In addition to the laser treatment, we also provide coaching and effective tools to help the ex-smoker realize their goals.
We recommend that you make 2 appointments on consecutive days. The first takes about 2 ½ hrs. and the second takes approximately an hour.
You will immediately experience a feeling of relaxation and a state of well-being. The laser treatment is completely painless. Some clients report a slightly warm or tingling sensation on a few points.
After quitting smoking, you will feel the difference:
- 20 minutes after stopping smoking, the blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
- 8 hours later, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood will drop by half, while oxygen level in the blood returns to normal.
- 24 hours later, carbon monoxide will have been eliminated from the body and lungs will start to clear out the debris.
- 48 hours later, no nicotine will be left in the body and the senses of taste and smell improve.

About Quitting Smoking with Safe Laser Therapy
Safe Laser Therapy, LLC, is the first laser clinic in Connecticut for smoking cessation, which opened its doors in 2008. Laser therapy is proven to be a very effective treatment against all forms of nicotine addiction such as smoking, tobacco-chewing, E-Cigarettes, and vaping with a success rate of 90%. Our Laser Treatment combined with compassionate coaching and personalized support is highly praised and recommended by our clients.
No matter how many cigarettes you smoke or how long you have been smoking, this unique, entirely safe, laser program can help you achieve your goal of quitting smoking! Our Laser Treatment is non-invasive, safe, and has NO side-effects. What’s more, it is completely drug FREE and very relaxing.
Be Smoke-Free and Nicotine Free!!
Visit Safe Laser Therapy in Stamford, CT. Our certified laser therapists use FDA approved state of the art equipment and are trained to serve your needs. Call (203) 601-7772 and make an appointment when you are ready to quit.
Want to make the process more rewarding? Ask your therapist about our weight-loss and detox treatments and feel great with a clean and slim body!!
My first treatment was nearly 3 weeks ago and I still have no desire to use.
“My name is Michael and I have been chewing tobacco for about 3 years now. I have tried to quit before using patches but to no avail. After searching the web I came across Safe Laser Therapy. My first treatment was nearly 3 weeks ago and I still have no desire to use. As I enter my last treatment tomorrow I am completely confident that my urge to use tobacco is gone.”
Be Smoke-Free / Nicotine-Free!!
Visit Safe Laser Therapy in Stamford, CT. Our certified laser therapists use FDA approved state of the art equipment and are trained to serve your needs. Call 203-601-7772 and make an appointment when you are ready to quit.
Want to make the process more rewarding? Ask your therapist about our weight-loss and detox treatments and feel great with a clean and slim body!!
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Certain medical conditions may restrict your participation in our treatment program. Please check FAQ (Restricting conditions) or discuss with our trained and experienced laser therapist about your conditions and treatment options. Laser therapy is not intended to replace any medical care. We recommend that you consult your physician for a professional diagnosis of your health.