Quit Smoking Hastings On Hudson NY – Stop Smoking Therapy Hastings On Hudson

Quit Smoking Hastings On Hudson NY

State of the Art Laser Therapy to Stop Smoking

Quit Smoking Therapy Hastings On Hudson NY

Safe Laser Therapy (SLT) has helped hundreds of people quit smoking for good. Laser therapist Malti Gupta has over 15 years of experience helping people kick bad habits with targeted low-level laser therapy. This safe and natural treatment eliminates powerful cravings, and helps the body heal during and after withdrawal. A fully certified and caring practitioner, Malti Gupta will help you stop smoking quickly and permanently.

Laser Treatment to Quit Smoking Hastings On Hudson NY – Safe Laser Therapy LLC

The Struggle to Stop Smoking in Hastings On Hudson

If you happen to be one of the millions of smokers in the United States, chances are you are aware of the health issues it causes. You probably also know how difficult it is to quit— over 70% of those who smoke say that they want to, and the majority have tried at least once.

The good news is that the number of former smokers is growing, and is now larger than the number of people still smoking. That means it is definitely possible for you to kick the habit, starting now. Smoking creates a physical addiction, and chemical imbalances that cause problems when you quit. By planning for how you will address these issues, before you quit, your chances of success are higher.

Where to start? First, realize that making a decision to STOP SMOKING is a courageous act, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the first step. Begin by arming yourself with as much knowledge as possible. There is a lot of research about what smoking does to the body, and how it reacts when you quit. The more you know before you start, the better prepared you will be. Arm yourself with the weapons you know will work in your fight to become a non-smoker.

For example, since we know smoking alters the flow of feel-good chemicals produced by the brain, it’s not surprising that quitting causes so many former smokers to feel anxious, low energy or irritable. There are also parts of the brain that react to nicotine by becoming less active. These include the areas that involve memory, emotion and pleasure. As a result, there is a reduction in sensations of pain, and a heightened experience of positive emotions.

When you quit, the body has to reset itself and adjust to receiving less nicotine, and as a result, a decrease in “feel good” chemicals. That’s why nicotine replacement programs are popular. What is nicotine replacement therapy?

Quit Smoking in Hastings On Hudson, NY with Laser Therapy Treatments – Safe Laser Therapy LLC

Common Solutions to Quit Smoking in Hastings On Hudson

If you happen to be one of the millions of smokers in the United States, chances are you are aware of the health issues it causes. You probably also know how difficult it is to quit— over 70% of those who smoke say that they want to, and the majority have tried at least once.

The good news is that the number of former smokers is growing, and is now larger than the number of people still smoking. That means it is definitely possible for you to kick the habit, starting now. Smoking creates a physical addiction, and chemical imbalances that cause problems when you quit. By planning for how you will address these issues, before you quit, your chances of success are higher.

Where to start? First, realize that making a decision to stop smoking is a courageous act, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the first step. Begin by arming yourself with as much knowledge as possible. There is a lot of research about what smoking does to the body, and how it reacts when you quit. The more you know before you start, the better prepared you will be. Arm yourself with the weapons you know will work in your fight to become a non-smoker.

For example, since we know smoking alters the flow of feel-good chemicals produced by the brain, it’s not surprising that quitting causes so many former smokers to feel anxious, low energy or irritable. There are also parts of the brain that react to nicotine by becoming less active. These include the areas that involve memory, emotion and pleasure. As a result, there is a reduction in sensations of pain, and a heightened experience of positive emotions.

When you quit, the body has to reset itself and adjust to receiving less nicotine, and as a result, a decrease in “feel good” chemicals. That’s why nicotine replacement programs are popular. What is nicotine replacement therapy?

What People Are Saying About Cold Laser Therapy and Treatments for Smoking

“Thanks to Malti and her program, I have been completely smoke and nicotine free for over 8 months. I had tried to quit on previous occasions and even stopped smoking for approximately 7 years. My cigarette consumption had declined but my vaping increased! When my husband’s health took a turn for the worse it was clear that we both needed to stop smoking fast! My husbands cousin did Malti’s program and has been smoke free for over a year. After 42 years of smoking, I am finally free. Thank you, Malti!” – Marilyn W.

Can Low Level Laser Therapy Help You to Quit Smoking in Hastings On Hudson?

Scientific data about laser therapy used for smoking cessation has been slow to emerge, because laser therapy is safe and natural. Since it poses no danger, as an area of research it gets very little attention or funding. This is a shame, because low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a drug- free, and painless way to quit smoking, with no known side effects. And, it has a high success rate.

LLLT, also known as Photobiomodulation, is the application of a concentrated beam of “cold” (meaning not hot) laser light directly into the body. The wavelengths penetrate deeply, beneath all of the layers of skin, to reach cells that make up soft tissue. The photons that are emitted work to trigger healthy cell growth, which speeds up the healing process. It also can be used to target inflammation, the cause of many painful injuries and conditions.

A highly trained practitioner, laser therapists decide on the wavelength, power density, and pulse settings. Of course, the most important issue is where on the body to concentrate treatment. Laser clinicians also have in-depth knowledge of the human body, including the organs, and the nervous and circulatory systems. They will know where laser treatment will be most effective.

Laser Therapy to Quit Smoking Stamford, CT – Safe Laser Therapy LLC

How Does Low Laser Therapy Work for Smokers?

Smoking tells the brain to release endorphins, a feel-good compound the body produces in response to stress, fear, or to reduce physical pain. Endorphins also boost the immune system. Known as the “happiness hormone” it’s no wonder people get addicted to activities that produce it.

As you probably know, quitting smoking can cause one to break out into cold sweats, experience mood swings, or increased feelings of hunger. You might also experience insomnia. This is because fewer endorphins are being emitted due to the lack of nicotine. These physical reactions to withdrawal can be hard to overcome.

With stop smoking laser treatments a clinician uses a handheld device and targets areas of the body that have a lot of nerve endings and are near major pathways. They focus the beam on each area for about thirty seconds to two-to-three minutes. This non-thermal (which means it is not hot) laser sends photons deep into the body, past all the layers of skin and tissue, to work at a cellular level. The participant feels nothing, except some tingling.

As the nerve endings are stimulated, they begin sending messages to the brain that endorphins need to be released. This safely mimics what happens when you smoke. The sensation of stress and anxiety is reduced, you feel less irritable, and calm and positive emotions are triggered. This makes it easier to deal with the psychological battles, moments where you “think” you need to smoke even if your body isn’t craving nicotine. This is particularly helpful in the 3-5 day period after a person quits introducing nicotine into their system, allowing them time to create new habits and a new mindset.

LLLT is an all natural, pain-free and non-invasive treatment option that has helped thousands of smokers kick this bad habit to the curb.

Schedule An Appointment Today To Stop Smoking

Malti Gupta is an experienced and caring LLLT therapist with over 15 years of experience helping people improve their quality of life by quitting smoking. She has helped hundreds put this unhealthy habit behind them.

It can take as few as three sessions to quit permanently, sessions that are brief and very relaxing. If you would like more information about how Safe Laser Therapy can help you quit smoking for good, call SLT founder and clinician Malti Gupta at (203) 601-7772. With her help, you CAN quit smoking, and feel good.

Click here to learn more about laser therapy to quit smoking and other services we offer.

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Certain medical conditions may restrict your participation in our treatment program. Please check FAQ (Restricting conditions) or discuss with our trained and experienced laser therapist about your conditions and treatment options. Laser therapy is not intended to replace any medical care. We recommend that you consult your physician for a professional diagnosis of your health.

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