Malti Gupta at Safe Laser Therapy, LLC uses low level laser therapy as part of the program created to help people quit smoking. In this video Malti talks about how to get ready for the first appointment.

The very first thing I will ask everyone to do is that they have to be ready in their mind. The person has to absolutely sure that A, yes, I really want to quit. That is number one priority. Secondly, I take your email address, and I send them the email with complete instructions to follow before the treatment.
In that instructions, there are certain things they will be bringing along with them. They will have to do just the grocery shopping for sure. There are a couple of things which I would ask them to eat after the treatment. Certain supplements I will ask them to buy themselves, and certain I will provide from here.
Stop Smoking Appointment Stamford CT
Stop Smoking Appointment Stamford CT
Learn More About Smoking Treatment Appointment Stamford, CT
Learn more about the clinic and the laser treatment program to stop smoking by visiting the website for the clinic ( To schedule an appointment for the program, call (203) 601-7772 during normal business hours.