Weight Management New Canaan CT – Safe Weight Management New Canaan

Weight Management New Canaan CT

State of the Art Cold Laser Therapy for Weight Management

Are You Struggling with Weight Control Issues?

Let Safe Laser Therapy Help
with Weight Management for New Canaan CT!

Most of us have struggled with our weight at some point in our lives. In our day and age, we’re constantly bombarded by food options. Drive down any main street of any town, and you’re sure to see a plethora of restaurant options, fast food chains, specialty shops such as ice cream and cookies, and grocery stores. And when you’re hungry after a long day at work, swinging in to your favorite fast food joint is all too easy.

Most of us have tried various weight loss methods and diets. From food programs that tell you what you can eat and when and that come with pre-packaged meals and portions to exercise programs that promise you you’ll lose weight if you just come to class and sweat to death, weight loss can be hit and miss.

Safe Laser Therapy in Stamford, CT, is passionate about weight loss using laser therapy. Laser therapy can effective for many conditions such as quitting smoking, detoxing the body, and pain relief. Visit us today!

Far-infrared Body Wraps For Weight Loss in New Canaan CT

FAR-infrared Body Wraps are the state-of-the-art FAR-infrared heat, which is the same heat from the sun. Infrared heat penetrates our bodies, rather than only heating the skin. FAR-Infrared heat sessions cause you to release as much as 15% more toxins than traditional body wraps done without heat. These toxins such as alcohol, nicotine, and heavy metals accumulate in the body just from daily life. Infrared body wraps speed up this process and is the only way to get rid of these harmful toxins naturally. Infrared body wraps have many other benefits as well such as loosening muscles, increasing blood circulation, burning up to 1400 calories, and promoting body contouring, weight management, and reducing stress.

Safe Laser Therapy’s FAR-Infrared Body Wrap is a calorie burning and detoxifying system that slims, tones, defines and reduces fat and cellulite throughout your body, leading to weight loss. The Infrared Body Wrap generates infrared energy similar to the energy produced naturally by the body during exercise to trigger metabolic responses. Fat and toxins are released by the body and are filtered by the blood and removed naturally through perspiration and urine. FAR-Infrared Body Wraps is an all-natural way to lose weight.

Benefits Of Weight Loss With Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy, also known as cold laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses lasers on certain points of the body which suppresses our appetite and cravings for food. It is called cold laser therapy because the low levels of light aren’t enough to heat your body’s tissues when compared with the laser energy needed to treat tumors. You will still experience heat, just not an intense amount.

At Safe Laser Therapy, different wavelengths and outputs of low-level light are used to treat the desired areas. The body absorbs the light, causing a reaction within the tissues that stimulates the tissues to regenerate and repair itself. Paired with an exercise program and a diet program, laser therapy can see dramatic results. Laser therapy was first used by Hungarian physician Endre Mester in the 1960s and has a great track record of providing pain relief, stress relief, and other conditions.

Weight Management Stamford CT - Safe Laser Therapy Stamford CT

What Does A Typical Weight Loss Laser Therapy Session Look Like for New Canaan?

Consultation. Your appointment will start with a consultation where we’ll review your medical history and take note of your goals and what you hope to get out of laser therapy for weight loss. We customize all of our treatments, so this gives us a direction to start from.

Treatment. Typical laser therapy treatments for weight loss takes about 1 hour for each session. They are painless, and you won’t hear sound or feel any vibration or heat.

After care. After your laser treatment for weight loss, your skin may be red. Otherwise, you will feel no after effects.

How Many Treatment Sessions Are Needed For Weight Loss Using Laser Therapy?

The number of sessions will depend on the patient’s goals and individual needs. Safe Laser Therapy recommends multiple sessions in order to see the desired results. We tailor all of our treatments to your needs.

The Safe Laser Therapy Difference

Safe Laser Therapy in Stamford, CT, offers laser therapy and FAR infrared body wraps for many types of conditions. Both laser therapy and FAR infrared body wraps can be effective in pain relief, detoxing the body, stress relief, skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, and for help in quitting smoking. All of our laser treatments are non invasive and painless with no adverse side effects caused by medications and other treatments for similar conditions.

Here at Safe Laser Therapy, we care about our patients and their quality of life. We treat the whole patient in a holistic approach that takes into account all of the patient’s health history and goals. We want our patients to live their best life possible, and we do this through looking at the whole picture of what’s happening in the patient’s body and restoring the balance that is missing. Contact us today for a free consultation on all of our services, including laser therapy for weight management and weight loss!

Safe Laser Therapy, LLC, in Stamford is the only clinic in Connecticut that combines FAR-Infrared Technology with Low-Level Laser Therapy to help promote natural weight loss.

In addition to targeted weight loss/inch loss, our treatment also includes various factors critical to weight management such as:

  • Appetite control
  • Increased metabolism
  • Detoxification
  • Body contouring through targeted fat loss
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Stress relief
  • Nutritional guidance

This makes our program more effective than others available currently. You don’t have to starve anymore to lose weight. Not only do we offer solutions for rapid weight loss, but we also help you to adopt a healthier lifestyle!

Look Good, Feel Great! Lose Those Inches And Keep Them Off!

Experience total health fitness! Visit Safe Laser Therapy in Stamford, CT. Our Treatment Plans are customized to help you meet your goals. Call (203) 601-7772 and make an appointment when you are ready to transform your life!

Click here to learn how we use laser therapy to help our clients with their weight and other health issues.

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Certain medical conditions may restrict your participation in our treatment program. Please check FAQ (Restricting conditions) or discuss with our trained and experienced laser therapist about your conditions and treatment options. Laser therapy is not intended to replace any medical care. We recommend that you consult your physician for a professional diagnosis of your health.

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